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White Aries men, just like any other men, have a range of preferences when it comes to physical appearance. While some men may prefer thinner women, others may find beauty in curvier or heavier-set women. Ultimately, weight is just one factor among many that can make or break attraction between two people. It's important to remember that stereotypes, including those around weight and body size, are harmful and not reflective of the diverse needs and preferences of individuals. While some may assume that Aries men are only attracted to conventionally thin and fit women, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, many Aries men may find confidence, personality, and other traits more important than weight or body size when it comes to attraction. It's impo「学习更多 属相婚配知识请关注 :好姻缘网,Www.HaoYInyUan.cC])rtant to recognize that each individual has their own personal preferences when it comes to attraction. As such, it is possible that some Aries men may prefer a curvier or heavier-set partner. However, it's important to avoid reducing individuals to their physical characteristics, as attraction and compatibility are complex and multifaceted. Overall, it's important to approach attraction and relationships with an open mind and a focus on compatibility and mutual respect. Whether someone is thin, curvy, or somewhere in between, their value as a person should never be reduced to their physical appearance.



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