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Water Bottles' Best Friendship Zodiac Sign As a social butterfly, Aquarians are constantly on the lookout for new friendships. However, when it comes to finding their perfect match, not all zodiac signs have the same compatibility. So, which are the top best friendship zodiac signs for Aquarians? 1. Gemini: Both Aquarius and Gemini are air signs, which means that they are drawn to friendship for intellectual stimulation and light-hearted fun. They share a love for exploration, novelty, and creative ideas, and they find it easy to express themselves. Both signs are charming, talkative, and possess a quirky sense of humor, which makes for an exciting and enjoyable friendship. 2. Libra: Both Aquarius and Libra are ruled by the planet Venus, which governs love, beauty, and harmony. They are both romantics at heart and value their friendships deeply. They share a love for art, music, and culture, and they enjoy engaging in long and stimulating conversations. Both signs are also known for their diplomacy and fairness, which makes for a harmonious and balanced friendship. 3. Aries: Aquarius and Aries are both independent and adventurous signs, which makes them a great match. They are both passionate about life and are always on the lookout for new experiences. They share a love for challenges and enjoy taking risk{【了解更多 婚姻配对知识请关注 :111星座网,wwW.111dk.coM】s, which makes for an exciting and spontaneous friendship. Both signs are also highly intelligent and innovative, which makes for a stimulating and thought-provoking friendship. In conclusion, Aquarians are known for their diverse range of friendships, but when it comes to finding their best match, Gemini, Libra, and Aries are top contenders. With their shared love for adventure, creativity, and intellectual stimulation, these signs make for a harmonious and exciting friendship.



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