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Double Pisces, Simple and Pretty English Names for Girls As one of the most imaginative and sensitive signs in the zodiac, it's no wonder that Double Pisces girls are often drawn to romantic and dreamy names that evoke the ethereal and mystical elements of their nature. If you're a Double Pisces girl on the lookout for a new name, or a parent hoping to give your baby girl a name that reflects her gentle and imaginative spirit, here are some simple yet pretty English names that might be just the ticket. 1. Luna - Meaning 'moon', this name is perfect for Double Pisces girls who love to gaze at the night sky or feel a special connection to the moon's magical energy. 2. Ivy - This charming name is associated with the plant, which symbolizes loyalty, faithfulness, and deep emotional bonds. 3. Willow - The willow tree is often seen as a symbol of flexibility, resilience, and grace, making it a great choice for Double Pisces girls who need to adapt to changing circumstances and heal emotional wounds. 4. Rose - This classic name is a nod to the delicate, romantic, and feminine qualities that Double Pisces girls often embody. 5. Grace - As a name, Grace connotes elegance, refinement, and divine favor, making it a fitting choice for Double Pisces girls who aspire to live a life of beauty and gracefulness. 6. Sage - This name evokes the image of a wise, mystical, and healing presence, perfect for Double Pisces girls who are drawn to the spiritual and mystical realm. 7. Eva - Short for 'Evangeline', this name means 'good news' and reflects the optimistic and hopeful nature of Double Pisces girls who see the good in everything and everyone. 8. Pearl - This name is associated with the ocean, which is a source of inspiration and solace for many Double Pisces girls, as well as with purity, wisdom, and hidden treasures. 9. Mia - Meaning 'beloved' or 'mine', this name celebrates the close bonds of love and companionship that Double Pisces girls cherish. 10. Iris - This name is associated with the flower and the Greek goddess of the rainbow, conveying a sense of beauty, color, and diversity that Double Pisces girls often appreciate. In conclusion, these are just a few of the many simple and pretty English names that Double Pisces girls might find appealing for themselves or their daughters. Whatever name you choose, make sure it resonates with your inner self and reflects the qualities you most value in yourself and others. After all, a name is not just a word, it's a powerful symbol of your identity, your purpose, and your innate beauty as a Double Pisces girl.



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